Pontus Persson

Developer from Östersund

Hello, I'm a web developer from Östersund. Although I work with the web mostly over at Mina bästa polare. I'm also interested in game programming and will have around three projects going at any time. This page is just where I store some of my stuff for posterity.


Random small projects

Change way to open links below
Title Note
Sudoku Got randomly interested in sudoku and built a client with solver to understand the game, left click to select right click highlights the same number. Open in new page to use keyboard(does not work inpage popup) to fill in numbers, space or 0 zeroes a field. Open
Threejs panorama Trying out three js and making a skybox with a panorama I took in italy Open
Machine learning Rudimentary learing of entities Open
Vektor My old beginning of a game engine in Javascript, learning webgl etc. (far from finished) Open
Strange header thing Just a wierd test of a canvas header Open
Sierpinski triangle Generates an interesting pattern Open
Test of socket IO multiplayer At CGI Hackaton 2019 Open

Ludum Dare is a game programming competition where people create games over a weekend. I often join forces with some other awesome people from Östersund during these.

Title Note
It's square to be a cube Ludum Dare 38 Open
Esoteric alteration Ludum Dare 39 Open
CARnage Ludum Dare 40 Open
Funk Escape Ludum Dare 41 Open
Sacrifications Ludum Dare 43 Open
Soulcraft Ludum Dare 45 Open
Guardian of the rite Ludum Dare 46 Open
Fountain of death Ludum Dare 47 Open
The Fall Ludum Dare 48 Open